Kamis, 28 Februari 2013


Philosophy & Creed Movement
I. Philosophy
KAMMI based on the principle of Islam. This priority brotherhood (Ukhuwwah Islamiyah) among fellow students and is an Independent Muslim Indonesia.
KAMMI a container shall bear a permanent struggle cadre of future leaders in the effort to realize the strong Islamic community in Indonesia.
• Fostering Islam, faith, and devotion Indonesian Muslim students.
• Discover, develop, and solidify the propaganda potential, intellectual, social, political and student.
• Brighten and enhance the quality of Indonesian society into a society that Rabbani, civil society (civil society).
• Pioneering and maintain communication, solidarity, and cooperation of Indonesian students in solving problems of democracy and nationhood.
• Develop cooperation between elements of the community in the spirit of bringing good, spread the benefits, and forbidding the evil (maruf amar nahi munkar).
• Islam is a warrior victory KAMMI
• falsehood is the eternal enemy KAMMI
• Islam is the Solution struggle bid KAMMI
• Repair is a tradition perjungan KAMMI
• Leadership race is fighting strategies KAMMI
• Brotherhood is the nature muamalah KAMMI
KAMMI is an organization that collects extra campus Muslim students throughout Indonesia are cross-sectoral, ethnicity, race and class. KAMMI collect all Indonesian Muslim students who are willing to work together to build the country and the nation of Indonesia.
KAMMI serves as a platform and partner for Indonesian students who want to uphold justice and truth in the law of Indonesia container through the stages of national development of a healthy and responsible.
KAMMI take on the role as a partner for the community in the efforts of civil society, democratization and development of unity / brotherhood of mankind and the nation through mentoring / social advocacy, critics / constructive government policies that marginalized communities.
Images Dynamics KAMMI
At the beginning of its establishment, KAMMI is an action network. After the fall of Suharto rezimentasi, KAMMI to change the format / shape moving into a community organization kampus.Hal extra student is responding to the demands of the community of the need for a platform for leadership development among youth, especially mahasiswa.Sejak establishment, KAMMI've done 5 (five) times the Congress as the organization's highest deliberative forum. The dynamics of the organization is also marked by the development / establishment KAMMI in various regions in Indonesia.
There are several aspects of concern / concern for KAMMI activities:
1. Aspects of human resource development / regeneration
Succession planning in the organization like setting up survival / continuity organization. It is a development effort to the Islamic characteristics, creed, akhlaqul karimah, and intellectual leadership. In this aspect include recruitment activities, tiered training, up-grading, learning courses and leadership both within the organization and outside the organization. Until now there riibuan cadres have been recruited and then most of the cadres become student leaders in various institutions of intra and extra college campuses.
2. Aspects of Public Policy and intellect
An aspect of criticizing the policies of the state of society, the study of the phenomenon of society on a local, national and global. Assessment and critics is the first step for moving towards improvement and change political advocacy. This aspect includes the study of government policies, publications and policy outcomes critics thought and contemplation of the faithful of network development and social diverse regional scale. In this aspect, the agenda of the student movement is intended as political leadership Kafer maturation and contribute to change the nation.
3. Community Social Aspects
Various social problems around us; poverty, underdevelopment, crime, lower quality of life, natural disasters and so on. This problem is causing the weakness and vulnerability and can even threaten the durability of a nation. KAMMI concern is manifested in the form of mentoring / community advocacy marginal, weak public education, disaster relief, and as a partner for the government and other organizations to jointly seek solutions to social and cultural problems.
4. The Economics
Some cadres are scattered in 43 regions / networks throughout Indonesia is a huge potential of economic. Apart from that, the development of entrepreneurship and a business / economics is a very important thing for now is the future, especially for the younger generation. This aspect is realized by the cooperative movement as a movement KAMMI economy, the development of business networks both locally, nationally and regionally.
5. Aspects of Public Relations
The development of the increasingly demanding pace of transformation of information and communication. And it is a very large effect on the development of human interrelations both inpidu and collectively. This aspect is emphasized on the development of relations between inpidu and institutions both at national and global scale.
6. Development Aspects Kemuslimahan / Feminine
Still not building momentum and support capacity among women (Muslim) has given rise to distortion and psosisi strategic role among Muslim women in development. The political, social and cultural rights are still pragmatif, feudal and liberal has spawned widespread inequities among women. Because it is intended for the construction aspects of the establishment of empowerment kemuslimahan Muslim role in all aspejk life.
II. Credo
• We are the people who think and independent affair. There is no single person who can compel us to act. We only act on the basis of understanding, not imitation, as well as on the basis of sincerity, not seeking praise or position.
• We are a brave people. We fear only Allah. There is no one else being able to rattle our hearts or make us much less defeat him down. Nothing we fear, except fear to other than Him.
• We are the true fighter. On behalf of al-haq we fought, until there is no more fitnah on earth. We are not among those who fled from the battlefield or people who are reluctant to go for jihad. We're going to win every battle to uphold the principles of Islam.
• We are calculating the risks carefully, but we are not people who are afraid of taking risks. Martyr's glory and our highest ideals. We are the one who yearns heaven. We'll spread the fragrance in our daily lives to the atmosphere of our neighborhood. Our days were always decorated with recitations, dhikr, edify each other in truth and patience, useful discussions and a lot of vanity, and the work to repair concrete masyarakat.Kami are the sons and daughter of propaganda, will be circulated This joint mission to wherever it goes, to be the builder of the most diligent, be penyebarnya the most aggressive, and most solid penegaknya.
• We are the ones who always prepare myself for the future of Islam. We are not people who like careless, minimalist and sluggish. We are always scattered in the life, conduct experiments planned, and we are the ones that are free of progressive rigidity, since we consider that this life is a place to learn, so that we and our successors a usurper victory only will we dedicate to Islam.
• We are scientists keen analysis, youth were critical of falsehood, deception defeat a skilled politician and a skilled enemy in fighting for the interests of the people, a warrior monks during the day and at night, a moral leader, firm on principles and is able to transform society , teachers are able to give and example of understanding, my sincere and loving volunteers who are able to solve social problems, citizens are friendly to the people and responsive to their problems, an effective and efficient manager, a brave soldier and smart tactics, soldiers , a skilled diplomat dialogue, expert discourse, extensive interaction, high confidence, high zeal.
Commentaries Logo Kammi
White is the basic color symbolizes purity
Golbe ocean blue world is symbolized God's earth proselytizing unifersal mencakum dimanamun we are
The right hand is raised symbolizing Da'wah World golbe KAMMI
use force in carrying out this Da'wah
Five red roses surrounding the hand is symbolized
softness in preaching and five rosebud is symbolized
Pillars of Islam.
Gradient Green color is symbolizes the stages - stages in the earthing KAMMI proselytizing Islam on Earth God

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